A light coloured spray dried dedusted Mimosaextract similar in other
Charateristics to normal Mimosa powder
It is suitable for any vegetable tanned leatherwhere a particularly pale colour
is required
It is eminetly suitable for retanning chromeleathers which are to be finished
In lighter shades
As a light coloured bleached extract ,Mimosa GSis susceptible to oxidation
Over time hence it is advisable to avoidprolonged storage. This oxidation
Process can be accelerated on exposure to hightemperatures and sun light so
It is advisable to store in a well-ventilatedand covered area
SLTC shake FilterBell
Method Method
Tannins 67.5 71.0
Non Tannins 26.0 22.5
Insolubles 0.2 0.2
Moisture 6.3 6.3
100.0 100.0
StandardLovibond Tintometer Colour Test
(1 cm cell0.5% tannin solution)
Red 0.4
Yellow 0.8
Ph at 50o Bkr (6.7o Be) 4.7
Acidsand Salts
Expressedin Milligram Equivalents to pH 6.5 per liter of liquor at 100o Bkr ( 13o Be)
Free Acids 30
Salts 130
Mineral Ash 2.5%